Updating to v1.12
Explanation and instructions on how to fix a big change when updating to v1.12
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Explanation and instructions on how to fix a big change when updating to v1.12
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v1.12 of AVC fixes an issue with the 'Vehicle Body Tilt' (set via the 'VehicleSettings'), unfortunately this value wasn't actually being used. The below two images demonstrate the body tilt in AVC prior to v1.12.
This looks good from a distance, but up close you can see the obvious problems with the tilt. When building your vehicle with the Vehicle Prefab Builder, the builder automatically found the 'Body' GameObject and assigned this to the correct field on VehicleBehaviour.
With v1.12, the GameObject that is assigned to the body field on VehicleBehaviour has changed, so when updating to v1.12 from a previous version of AVC, you may start seeing your vehicle(s) act like the following - looks awesome, but completely wrong!
Fortunately, the fix is easy and quick for you to do - so all your already made vehicle prefabs can still be used, with a quick update to the assigned body on VehicleBehaviour.
The body tilt may not make a difference for in the update, or you may like the results (perhaps with a tweak of the Vehicle Body Tilt value on your vehicles settings), is so, carry on as you were! However, if you are experiencing this over tilt, then - all you need to do is assign a GameObject higher up in the hierarchy. For the demo vehicles, it required using the model prefab parent.
This results in a much nicer tilt when the vehicle turns, and the 'Vehicle Body Tilt' value (on the VehicleSettings object) now has an effect to how much your vehilce will tilt.